Thursday, August 10, 2006


Well I swear sense Lucas has been born I have spent more time at the hospital then I have in my whole life. So on Tuesday he dropped a toy on his toe, and right away the nail went black. Well after a bit of crying he seemed to be fine. Then that night he woke up screaming his head off... But after having some tempra he was back to sleep and fine. Yesterday he was fine running around and all that toddler stuff. Took him to the doctor's and it was a toe hour wait... Did seem worth it sense he was fine and all I though they would say was to give him tempra and watch for the nail to fall off. Well today after his nap he was running from his room to mine when I tink he dropped a DVD case on his foot. Well he started screaming again..... OMG I thought not again. Well turns out he his the same you and now it was bleeding like mad. So after trying for ten mins to get a hold of daddy at work (which I never did get a hold of him) we went over to the doctors. Where I had to wait... Me with the screaming child who was bleeding... grrrr!!! So we are seen after like a half hour, the doctor takes one look and says you need to go to the hospital. I was like WTF. So we run home call daddy to come home so we can go to the hospital. (sick kids)
we wait there for a few hours, which was fun... Then the blonde doctor comes in... Well Lucas startsto flirt right away. He is fine with her touching him... Sense when mommy tried to clean and look at his toe I got yelled at..But the tall blonde well well.... MEN!
So she says nothing really looks wrong she was going to clean the toe and see where it was bleeding. Sense it was only bleed at the top of the toe there was nothing they could do but let it heal on its own. She told us the nail would most likely fall off. But other then that just to keep it clean. My Oh My. Having kids could really kill you in more ways then one.

~~~~Black Toe From Hell~~~~

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